Monday, April 28, 2008

surprise! here i am, still awake at 10:49. i have not been sleeping well (maybe because i've fallen into the habit of taking two hour naps every day) and so part of me wants to wait until i just can't keep my eyes open before crawling into bed. although, my sheets are looking pretty amazing right now....

but before i snooze, i wanted to be thankful.

my new staff training darlings
that ice cream
my tattoos, as previously noted
my messy room
hartlee's sweet hugs at dinner
a bath
mother's day bath salts that karen gave me
gin and tonic (knee)
yikes. today was a struggle for thankfulness. perhaps i should go meet with the Lord of Hosts.

i really like my tattoos. i just wanted to share that. :)

and also, i really like sitting in the sun and never ever ever getting up. especially when i am sitting in the sun, reading a book, and keeping an eye on two precious children that make me laugh. and especially when i spend that entire time in the sun, with the children and the book, thinking about nothing in particular. i like that.

now i'm going to bed because it's 10:38 and i'm awake!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

In 3 minutes I am going to a movie at The Palace so I won't write much, but...

I am in Missouri! I came out to Springfield for a vision trip and it was been better than I would have hoped! On the plane, as we were landing, my stomach sunk and I thought "what if I hate it?" But, as it turns out, I love it. Here are some highlights:

-I've seen 4 mullets
-Everyone has an accent. I can't say if they are saying "boot heal" or "boot hill" and when I ask they say "both"
-I saw a house with a toilet in the front yard
-There was a tornado watch

Oh! Time to go to the movie. I'll write more later...